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"The future is now" Video Art Festival 2011 in Athens

Greek to English translation

Supporting the principles of having a heritage and a seven-year history, the Athens Video Art Festival represents our country internationally by presenting time to time the fullest possible picture of the world artistic scene in order to familiarize the Greek audience with new media in an effort to unite the points on the international art map.
The program has the pleasure to present a series of tributes to some of the most emblematic figures in the world of arts, such as Nam June Paik, the Bill Viola, the Bill Vorn and the Andy Warhol, in collaboration with international and domestic players.
Artists from around the world have the opportunity to present their projects through the annual invitations to participate in the seven categories of the program (Video Art - Video Installations - Installation Art - Animation - Digital Image - Performance Art - Web Art), forming a platform for dialogue between all aspects of digital culture.
Following the famous quote «The future is now» of the Korean artist Nam June Paik, this year's edition of Athens Video Art Festival prefers the constant redefinition, objectives and values ​​of everyday life by inviting both artists and the public to live together as companions in a specialty travel to the future.
The program for this year's event will feature works by seven official categories and the public will have the opportunity to meet eleven of the most prestigious festival of digital arts from six European countries and to contact one of the most radically artistic currents, FLUXUS, through tribute entitled «Fluxus is an attitude».
Supporting the role and character of Athens Video Art Festival, but also recognizing the work of contemporary artists, this year's program is enriched with a special category «Believe the hype». The halls of Technopolis will accommodate all categories of works and artists that stood out from last event to date, curated by the festival's production team.
Finally, to the continuity and communication among the components of art but also guide the phrase «Music is the healing force of the universe», the Athens Video Art Festival 2011 brings the program a unique musical line - up to launch for the first time in history half, inner stage.

Video Art Festival, Technopolis-Gazi from 20-22 May

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