
This blog was mainly created to fulfill my curiosity on web-blogging and all its features. What I include in my posts are things that picture the way I perceive the world and its attributes. Most of the photos added to enhance my posts are adapted by internet searching. If the legal owner of a photo feels offended or doesn't wish me to use his/her photo, please feel free to contact me and I will remove it immediately. My primary goal is to express the meaning of things as I sense it and not to take advantage of others work and creativity. Thank you for joining...hope you like it.....


Get Organized with a Sticie Note Calendar

Make a monthly calendar that is as changeable as your schedule. Instead of crossing out plans as dates shift, just move the notes and stack them up on busy days. Start with a 26 1/2-inch square sheet of Masonite fiberboard. Spray-paint it white, and let dry. Then use tape (we suggest easy-to-reposition washi tape) to create a seven-by-seven grid of three-inch squares.

Post it Notes, in Tropical and Neon, staples.com. Washi tape, in Bright Sherbet, happytape.com. Maxi Classic Bag, by Brave Brown Bag, purlsoho


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