
This blog was mainly created to fulfill my curiosity on web-blogging and all its features. What I include in my posts are things that picture the way I perceive the world and its attributes. Most of the photos added to enhance my posts are adapted by internet searching. If the legal owner of a photo feels offended or doesn't wish me to use his/her photo, please feel free to contact me and I will remove it immediately. My primary goal is to express the meaning of things as I sense it and not to take advantage of others work and creativity. Thank you for joining...hope you like it.....


Toms Shoes in Greece

In 2006, American traveler Blake Mycoskie befriended children in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One. Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with 10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by TOMS customers.


Why Shoes?

Many children in developing countries grow up barefoot. Whether at play, doing chores or going to school, these children are at risk:
•A leading cause of disease in developing countries is soil-transmitted diseases, which can penetrate the skin through bare feet. Wearing shoes can help prevent these diseases, and the long-term physical and cognitive harm they cause.
•Wearing shoes also prevents feet from getting cuts and sores. Not only are these injuries painful, they also are dangerous when wounds become infected.
•Many times children can't attend school barefoot because shoes are a required part of their uniform. If they don't have shoes, they don't go to school. If they don't receive an education, they don't have the opportunity to realize their potential.


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