
This blog was mainly created to fulfill my curiosity on web-blogging and all its features. What I include in my posts are things that picture the way I perceive the world and its attributes. Most of the photos added to enhance my posts are adapted by internet searching. If the legal owner of a photo feels offended or doesn't wish me to use his/her photo, please feel free to contact me and I will remove it immediately. My primary goal is to express the meaning of things as I sense it and not to take advantage of others work and creativity. Thank you for joining...hope you like it.....


Dada in Buenos Aires

Probably one of the city's most frequently recommended restaurants, and a lovely bar in its own right too, Dadá tops the top-ten lists in editorials around the world, is cited again and again by locals as their favourite meeting spot, and is often c hosen by ourstaff members for a bite and a pint afterwork. Inside this tiny, cheerful space, owner Paulo and his family weave their magic, managing to both charm and serve clients with a menu that's as colourful and imaginative as the lighting and furnishings that adorn the restaurant. The chalkboard regularly changes; but it's the classics like the lomo Dadá, the ojo de bife (ribeye steak),the salmon with polenta and the deliciously savoury houmous and guacamole dips that continue to stand out. Chilled lagers, good cocktails and a fine boutique wine list (look out for bodegas Ruca Malen and Benegas) complete a very pretty picture.

Dada, San Martin 941, Buenos Aires 

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